Another benefit of Kabouterland is that we offer balanced meals for our little ones throughout the day for those parents that would like it.
Dit Is Ons
Another benefit of Kabouterland is that we offer balanced meals for our little ones throughout the day for those parents that would like it.
online store
Kabouterland has their very own GARDENING programme to teach our children to have an understanding of where fresh food comes from. Learning them to grow it themselves will give them a skill that will last them a lifetime. Let's get growing !
Yes, we have IsiXhosa every Wednesday
Kabouterland het 'n nederige ontstaan gehad met net 6 kinders...
Markus 10: 16 “Hy het sy arms om die kindertjies gesit, hulle die hande opgelê en hulle geseën.”
Mark 10:16 "And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them."
UMarko 10:16 "Waza wabawola, wazibeka izandla phezu kwabo, wamana ebasikelela."
Beste Voorskoolse Onderrrig
Sekuriteit is essensieël vir ‘n kind se emosionele ontwikkeling en ons bied dit graag deur die nodige struktuur, roetine en liefde.
Indien kinders gelukkig voel is hulle soveel meer ontvanklik om te leer en te groei, fisies en emosioneel. Elke kind is belangrik vir ons net soos hy is.
Deur interaksie en kreatiwiteit help ons om die kinders se verstand van kleins af te ontwikkel.
Met behulp van ons passievolle personeel kan ons sorg dra van elkeen van die klein kaboutertjies.