Athletics Day ~ Atletiekdag
Athletics Day Paul Roos Gimmasium Makotter 2023
This event is held one afternoon during summer time for our kabouters, 3 years and older.
Each class dresses up in a colour that represents their class name and then learn to shout their own slogan. All the classes walk together to the play park here in Paradyskloof where the kabouters run races. Parents are welcome to come and watch and cheer on our future Olympic athletes.
Hierdie geleentheid word een middag in die somer gehou vir ons kabouters, 3 jaar en ouer.
Elke klas trek 'n kleur aan wat hul klasnaam verteenwoordig en leer dan om hul eie kreet te skree. Al die klasse stap saam na die speelpark hier in Paradyskloof waar die kabouters dan resies hardloop. Ouers is welkom om na ons toekomstige Olimpiese atlete te kom kyk en toejuig.