Children of the World ~ Kinders van die Wêreld
Met hierdie tema gaan ons omtrent groot! Die kinders leer van verskillende nasies en dat almal uniek en spesiaal is. Aan die einde van die tema hou ons ‘n “internasionale dag” waar elke klas ‘n land kies om te verteenwoordig. Hulle maak dan daardie spesifieke land se kos en versier hulle klas met prente, lappe, patrone, ens. van die land en trek ook aan soos hulle. Daar word musiek gespeel wat tradisioneel is aan daardie land. Die verskillende klasse gaan dan op ‘n “instappie” deur die skool en besoek elke “land”. Dit verskaf gewoonlik groot pret en die kinders leer ongelooflik baie oor ander kulture.
With this theme we usually go big! The children learn of different nations and that everyone is unique and special. At the end of the theme we have an “international day” where each class chooses a country to represent. They then make that particular country's food and decorate their class with pictures, rags, patterns, etc. of the specific country and also dress like them. They also play music that is traditional to that country in the class. The different classes then go on a walk through the school and visit each “country”. It usually provides great fun and the kids learn a lot about other cultures.