Onderwyseres 2025 - Kaamiela Adams
Kaamiela Adams is gebore in Stellenbosch en het in Cloetesville grootgeword. Sy is die enigste dogter van ‘n familie van vyf. Sy het haar skoolopleiding ontvang by Lückhoff Hoërskool en het by Boland College Vroeë Kind-ontwikkeling studeer. Sy gee baie om vir kinders en het dus besluit om haar verder te kwalifiseer in hierdie rigting.
Daar is soveel ideale wat sy in haar lewe wil bereik en sy wil graag die beste daarvan maak. Sy is getroud met twee dogters. Haar stokperdjies is om te lees en in haar vrye tyd te gaan fliek. Haar motto is:
“…om altyd eerlik te wees teenoor haar medemens en om altyd haar beste te gee."
Teacher 2025- Kaamiela Adams
Kaamiela Adams was born in Stellenbosch and grew up in Cloetesville. She is the only daughter of a family of 5. She matriculated at Lückhoff High School. She has a big passion for children and therefore decided to qualify as an Educare teacher. She studied through Boland College after which she joined Kabouterland.
Kaamiela is married and has two daughters. Her hobbies include reading and going to the movies in her free time. There are so many goals she wants to achieve in her life and she wants to make the best of them.
“…to always be honest and give her best”