Dear Parents,
We end the 2nd term with the good news that masks are no longer mandatory. It is lovely to look each other straight in the eye. The teachers will send home a full evaluation report for each child today. We are very proud of what the children have accomplished since the beginning of the year. If you have any questions regarding the reports, please feel free to chat to your child’s class teacher. We have “holiday” for the next 3 weeks, where we do not follow a formal morning programme. However, we will still keep them busy with fun activities. Morning ring and story time is still kept to keep the structure of the class in place.
The term started with our first full bazaar since early 2020. It was so nice to see everyone enjoying the event with us. The profit made at the bazaar was put back into the classes by painting where necessary, buying new lockers and just “zooshing” up where needed.
Many thanks to everyone who supported the various classes so far with their fundraising projects. Your contributions and enthusiasm are sincerely appreciated. We would like to emphasize again that the contributions are entirely voluntary. Thanks again for every raffle ticket, hamburger and other products etc. that were bought, thus giving the class teacher the opportunity to buy new, interesting toys for their class.
Thank you to all the teachers for their effort to make every mom & dad feel special on Mother’s and Father’s Day, by making something from their child. The children worked hard throughout the term with fun themes such as: Autumn, Easter, Book & the Library, the different kinds animals, Space and Transport & Road Safety.
We are hard at work with our Mandela Day project for 2022. We already have 19 “Jars of Hope” and 50+ snoods. Thank you for every contribution to this project. Empty or filled jars, soup mix ingredients, snoods or balls of wool can still be brought up until 15 July.
What are we planning for the 3rd Term?
On 4th Aug this year, we will also have our first “walk through” art exhibition since 2019. For those who have not yet had the opportunity to attend, everyone is invited to walk through the school and see all the children’s artwork. A special item is also made which will also be on sale on that evening. Aunty Christa’s legendary vegetable soup and sandwiches are served as refreshments on the evening.
We are also going to celebrate Spring in full fashion with flowers and beautiful outfits.
Our annual concerts take place from 26-30 September. We look forward to welcoming you back to our “stage productions”. Please make a note of these dates in your diary. We are SUPER excited. Sunel (the photographer) will be here to take photos of the children in their outfits and while they are preforming. The videographer will also be here to record all the concerts for us. More information regarding the concerts will be send out closer to time.
Thank you very much for your co-operation regarding the Covid-19 protocols. Although these protocols have finally been scrapped, we have decided to keep some of changes, e.g. the in-depth sanitation of classes and toys on a regular basis, our drop off and pick up routine, the classes playing at certain times in certain areas and not mixing with each other unnecessarily, parents are still not allowed to enter the classrooms and lastly our strict protocol regarding sick children. The staff will still be expected to wear a mask if they feel a bit under the weather and we ask that you please apply the same rule when entering the school premises.
Thank you to those who pay their school fees so faithfully and on time. Remember the school fees are payable in advance on or before the 7th of each month for that particular month. Remember to use your account number as reference (e.g. LEG 001) Our waiting class is now also back in operation for those who would like to make use of it. It is available from 06:40 every morning @ R200 per month, regardless of how many times you use it. Feel free to chat to the office if you are interested. We also ask again that parents please stick to the given school hours, from 07:00 in the morning until 17:30. Half-day children must also be picked up punctually.
The staff were each spoiled with a new Friday “casual wear” T-shirt. Many thanks to RuggaRoots for the sponsorship of these T-Shirts, it is sincerely appreciated.
The following point rests heavily on our hearts. We ask that when you bring your child to school or pick them up, please make sure they are securely strapped up in their car seat or if you do not have one, at least with a safety belt. Accidents happen so fast. Under no circumstances should children stand loose in a car or hang between the 2 front seats. The safety of your children is a top priority for us.
For those of you who get to break away from the hustle and bustle of work and school trips, enjoy it and come back safely.
Liewe ouers,
Ons sluit die tweede kwartaal af met die goeie nuus dat maskers nie meer verpligtend is nie. Nou kan ons mekaar weer vierkantig in die oë kyk Die onderwyseresse stuur vandag ‘n volle evalueringsverslag van elke kabouter huis toe. Ons is baie trots op dit wat die kinders sedert die begin van die jaar vermag het. Indien julle enige vrae het rakende die verslae, kom gesels gerus met u kind se klasonderwyseres. Ons het vir die volgende 3 weke “vakansie”, dus gaan die kleinspan nie ‘n formele oggendprogram volg nie. Ons sal hulle egter steeds besig hou met speel-speel aktiwiteite en doen steeds oggendkring en storietyd om die struktuur van die klassies in plek te hou.
Die kwartaal is afgeskop met ons eerste Kermis sedert vroeg 2020. Dit was so lekker om almal net weer ‘n slag te kon saamkuier! Die wins wat by die Kermis gemaak is, het ons teruggeploeg in die klasse deur te verf waar nodig, nuwe tasrakke te koop en die klasse sommer net ‘n bietjie “op te zoosh”! Baie dankie aan almal wat die onderskeie klassies sover ondersteun het met hulle klasfondsinsameling-projekte. Julle bydraes en entoesiasme hierrondom word opreg waardeer. Ons wil net weer beklemtoon dat die bydraes tot die klasse se fondsinsamelings geheel en al vrywillig is. Weer eens baie dankie vir elke lootjie, hamburger en ander produkte ens. wat gekoop word; sodoende kry die onderwyseresse die geleentheid om nuwe, interessante speelgoed vir hul klassies te koop.
Baie dankie aan al die onderwyseresse vir hul moeite om elke mamma en pappa spesiaal te laat voel op Moeders- en Vadersdag, deur ietsie spesiaals te maak van hul kabouter af. Die kinders het omtrent hard gewerk deur die kwartaal met lekker temas soos: Herfs, Paasfees,Boeke en biblioteek, allerhande diere, Ruimte en Vervoer & Padveiligheid.
Ons is tans hard aan die werk met ons Mandeladag 2022 projek en het reeds 19 “Jars of Hope” en 50+ Snoods. Baie dankie vir elke bydrae ten opsigte van hierdie projek. Julle kan tot en met 15 Julie nog gevulde bottels, produkte, leë potte, snoods of bolle wol vir ons bring.
Wat beplan ons in die derde kwartaal?
- Ons het hierdie jaar op 4 Augustus ook weer die eerste “deurloop” kunsuitstalling sedert 2019. Vir diegene wat nog nie kans gehad het om dit by te woon nie, almal word genooi om deur die klasse te stap en al die kinders se kunswerkies te bewonder. ‘n Spesiale item word ook gemaak wat op die aand te koop is. Tannie Christa se legendariese groentesop en broodjies word as verversings op die aand aangebied.
- Ons gaan Lentedag ook weer behoorlik vier met blommerangskikkings en fraai uitrustings.
- Ons jaarlikse konserte vind plaas vanaf 26-30 September. Ons sien uit daarna om julle almal weer by ons klaskonserte te verwelkom. Teken solank die datum in julle dagboeke aan. Ons is SUPER opgewonde. Sunel (die fotograaf) sal by die kleedrepetisies weer foto’s neem van die kinders in hulle uitrustings en terwyl hulle optree. Die videograaf sal ook weer hier wees om die konsert vir ons op te neem. Die foto’s en dvd’s sal na afloop van die konsert te koop wees. Meer inligting sal nader aan die tyd volg.
Baie dankie vir julle samewerking i.v.m. die Covid-19 protokolle. Alhoewel die Covid-19 protokolle nou finaal geskraap is, het ons tog besluit om sekere veranderinge wat gemaak is tydens die pandemie wel in plek te hou, bv.: die in-diepte sanitering van klasse en speelgoed op gereelde basis, ons aflaai- en optelroetine, die klasse wat op spesifieke tye in sekere areas speel en nie onnodig met mekaar meng nie, ouers gaan steeds nie toegelaat word om die klasse te betree nie en laastens ons streng protokol wanneer dit kom by siek kinders. Daar gaan steeds van die personeel verwag om ‘n masker te dra indien hulle ‘n bietjie verkouerig voel en ons vra dat julle asseblief dieselfde reël sal toepas.
Baie dankie aan almal wie hul skoolfooie so getrou betaal. Onthou dat skoolfooie vooruitbetaalbaar is voor of op die 7de van elke maand vir daardie spesifieke maand. Onthou om u rekeningnommer te gebruik as verwysing (bv: LEG001). Ons wagklas is ook nou weer terug in werking vir diegene wat daarvan gebruik wil maak. Dit is beskikbaar vanaf 06:40 elke oggend @ R200 per maand, ongeag hoeveel keer u daarvan gebruik maak. Kom gesels gerus by die kantoor indien julle sou belangstel. Ons vra ook net weer dat julle asseblief sal hou by die gegewe skoolure, vanaf 07:00 in die oggend tot 17:30. (Halfdag kinders moet ook asseblief stiptelik opgetel word)
Die personeel is elkeen bederf met ‘n nuwe Vrydag “casual wear” T-hemp. Baie dankie aan RuggaRoots vir die borg van hierdie hemde, dit word opreg waardeer!
Daar is iets wat baie swaar op ons harte rus. Wanneer u, u kind skool toe bring of kom haal, maak hom / haar asseblief vas in ‘n karstoeltjie of indien u nie een het nie, ten minste met ‘n sitplekgordel. Ongelukke gebeur so vinnig en ons is seker julle wil nie hê jul kind moet iets oorkom nie. Kinders moet onder geen omstandighede los staan in ‘n motor of tussen die twee voorste sitplekke hang nie. Julle kinders se veiligheid is vir ons ‘n top prioriteit.
Vir dié van julle wat so ‘n bietjie wegbreek van die alledaagse gejaag tussen werk en skoolritte, geniet dit en kom veilig terug.
Vriendelike groete,
Kabouter Kantoor
Kabouterland Daycare and Preschool
Blaauwklippen Road
(o) 021 880 1043
(c) 076 815 4932