Dear parents
Welcome back after a nice cold winter holiday. We are in full swing and the first week is already behind us!
We want to start by welcoming Bernine Kloppers to Kabouterland. She is busy rewriting our curriculum for the 0–2-year-olds and is also the driver who picks up and drops off children at home. We hope she will be very happy at Kabouterland.
We are in partnership with Child Cloud to give our parents better insight into their child’s development. The curriculum we are currently working on forms part of the Child Cloud application. It will cultivate a love of learning in the children and develop their social skills through fun activities.
We kick off the term with our annual art exhibition this week. The children have been working very hard since the beginning of the year and we look forward to share all their artwork with you. Aunty Christa’s special vegetable soup will be available in every class! Each child is making a special art exhibition picture which will be for sale on the evening for R50-00.
A google form will soon be sent out regarding your child’s place at Kabouterland for 2024. You can only indicate on it whether your child will indeed be enrolled at Kabouterland in 2024 or not. On Saturday, September 2 from 09:00 to 11:00 we are planning Kabouterland’s first open day. You then get the opportunity to move around the school and talk to the different class teachers about their class routine, etc. More information on this will follow at a later stage.
You will see there is a new blue Kabouterland car on the road. Her / his name is “JOY” We have recently started the Kabouterland bus service, and this car is used to pick up children at home in the mornings and take them home again in the afternoons. It also serves as a “back-up” for when one of our other vehicles is out of service.
You have probably seen that the lobby has undergone a transformation and the most beautiful plants are currently on our playground. Kerry is busy working on our online store. Many thanks also to uncle Reon and Gherswin for their hard work with this project. We really appreciate you. The coffee stand (The Kabouter Sweet Bean spot) is also now in operation again, feel free to come and buy a nice hot drink from Kim and Anneke when you drop off your children. It is open all day, feel free to drop by. There are a whole bunch of new items that are on display and are also available for purchase on our online store.
Kabouterland Nursery – We have joined hands with a few nurseries and florists. We have negotiated good prices and the plants will be for sale soon. We also want to teach the children more about the beauty and goodness of plants and how to take care of them. This also teaches them responsibility towards nature.
Also remember to check out the party packages we offer on our website, as well as our SmaaksBoks option. You can direct any inquiries about this to
Finally, we just want to remind you of the new Gnomeland t-shirts that you can order. The shirts are R100 each for children and R120 for adults. Orders can be placed up to and including Friday, July 28. Just follow the link:
We wish everyone a wonderful third term. Remember, our door is always open, so feel free to stop by if you feel unsure about something or if you might want to share new ideas with us.
Have a great week!
Friendly regards,
Kabouter Office
Whatever you write on the heart of a child, no water can wash away…
Liewe ouers,
Baie welkom terug na ‘n lekker koue wintervakansie. Ons is volstoom aan die gang en die eerste week lê alweer op sy rug!
Ons wil begin deur vir Bernine Kloppers baie welkom te heet by ons. Sy is besig om ons kurrikulum vir die 0-2 jarige maats te herskryf en is ook die bestuurder wat maatjies tuis op- en aflaai. Ons hoop sy is baie gelukkig by Kabouterland.
Ons is in ‘n vennootskap met Child Cloud om vir ons ouers beter insig te gee oor hul kind se ontwikkeling. Die kurrikulum waaraan ons tans werk vorm deel van die Child Cloud toepassing. Dit gaan ‘n liefde vir leer by die kinders kweek en hulle sosiale vaardighede deur prettige aktiwiteite ontwikkel.
Ons skop die kwartaal af met ons jaarlikse kunsuitstalling hierdie week. Die kinders werk al sedert die begin van die jaar baie hart om spogprente op te tower en ons sien uit om dit met julle te deel. Daar sal natuurlik van tannie Christa se spesiale groentesop in elke klas wees! Elke maatjie maak ‘n spesiale kunsuitstalling prentjie wat op die aand teen R50-00 te koop gaan wees.
Daar word eersdaags weer ‘n googlevorm uitgestuur rakende u kind se plek by Kabouterland vir 2024. U kan net daarop aandui of u kind wel in 2024 by Kabouterland ingeskryf gaan wees of nie. Op Saterdag, 2 September van 09:00 tot 11:00 beplan ons Kabouterland se eerste opedag. Julle kry dan die geleentheid om ‘n bietjie deur die skool te beweeg en met die klasonderwyseresse te gesels oor hulle klasroetine, ens. Meer inligting hieroor volg op ‘n latere stadium.
Julle sal sien daar is ‘n nuwe blou Kabouterland motor op die pad. Haar / sy naam is “JOY” Ons het tans met die Kabouterland busdiens begin, en hierdie motor word ingespan om maats in die oggende tuis op te laai en smiddae weer huis toe te neem. Dit dien ook as ‘n “back-up” vir wanneer een van ons ander voertuie buite askie is.
Julle het seker gesien die voorportaal het ‘n gedaanteverwisseling ondergaan en die mooiste plante staan tans op ons speelgrond. Kerry is besig om aan ons aanlynwinkel te werk. Baie dankie ook aan oom Reon en Gherswin vir hulle harde werk met hierdie projek. Ons waardeer julle opreg. Die koffiestalletjie (The Kabouter Sweet Bean spot) is ook nou weer in werking, kom koop gerus ‘n lekker warm drink dingetjie by Kim en Anneke wanneer julle jul kinders aflaai. Dit is heeldag oop, kom loer gerus in. Daar is ‘n hele klompie nuwe items wat uitgestal word en ook op ons aanlynwinkel te koop is.
Kabouterland Kwekery – Ons het hande gevat met ‘n paar kwekerye en bloemiste. Ons het goeie pryse onderhandel en die plante sal eersdaags te koop wees. Ons wil die kinders ook hierdeur meer leer van die mooi en goedheid van plante en hoe om daarvoor te sorg. Dit leer hulle dan ook verantwoordelikheid teenoor die natuur.
Onthou ook om op ons webwerf te gaan kyk na die partytjie pakette wat ons aanbied, sowel as ons Smaakboks opsie. Julle kan enige navrae hierrondom rig aan
Laastens wil ons julle net herinner aan die nuwe Kabouterland t-hempies wat julle kan bestel. Die hempies is R100 elk vir kinders en R120 vir volwassenes. Bestellings kan geplaas word tot en met Vrydag, 28 Julie. Volg net die skakel:
Ons wens vir almal ‘n wonderlike derde kwartaal toe. Onthou, ons deur staan altyd oop vir julle, so kom maak gerus ‘n draai indien julle onseker voel oor iets of as julle dalk nuwe idees met ons wil deel.
Lekker week!
Kabouter Kantoor